Tag: Regulations
Drone regulations in West Africa: A comparative analysis
Harmonising drone regulations in Africa will ease the movement of drone operators across countries facilitating the contribution of the drone industry to the economic and social development of the continent as envisioned by the African Union. Using the case of Benin and Senegal, the present study shows this harmonisation is […]
Harmonising Africa’s drone regulations
With decision EX.CL/Dec. 986-1007 (XXXII), the African Union (AU) has established one of the most important incentives for its member states – to use drones to boost Africa’s development and accelerate transformation on the continent. Indeed, drones have been used to solve many development problems in the fields of agriculture, […]
Le Burkina Faso promulgue sa réglementation sur l’utilisation des drones
Le Burkina Faso dispose maintenant officiellement depuis le 06 mai 2019, un cadre réglementaire relatif à l’exploitation des systèmes aériens télépilotés. Le document règlements les conditions officielles d’exploitation des systèmes aériens télépilotés et se subdivise en deux parties à savoir un arrêté N° 20019/0013/MTMUSR/SG/ANAC portant conditions techniques d’exploitation des systèmes […]
Portuguese version of continental policy recommendation launched
Members of Africa Goes Digital and CTA supported NEPAD and the African Union in producing the Portuguese version of the key reference document “Drones on The Horizon: Transforming Africa’s Agriculture”. This report published in English and French in June 2018, provides a contextualised review of drones as a vital precision […]
Landmark Pan-African Policy Recommendation Singles out Drones as a Transformative Technology for Africa
On June 8, 2018, a full report on the technology entitled “Drones on the horizon: Transforming Africa’s Agriculture” has been launched by Prof Yaye Kène-Gassama Dia, from the University Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar, on behalf of the High-Level Panel on Emerging Technologies (APET) and NEPAD during the Africa Innovation Summit […]