Tag: drones
DRC: Using Drones to Improve Land Tenure and Empower Women
Integrating technology with community engagement to secure land tenure, reduce land conflict, and tackle gender inequalities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In Kasangulu, a small city of about 28,000 people in the outskirts of Kinshasa, the Drones for Land Clarification and the Empowerment of Women project is demonstrating […]
La technologie drone : Sécuriser la terre, garant du développement rural
A Madagascar, la technologie du drone accélère le processus de règlement de conflit foncier, un des problèmes fondamentaux des paysans malagasy. Les données numériques et cartographiques qu’elle fournit contribuent au développement local. Au sud-est de Madagascar, à Vohilava Mananjary, les images et les caractéristiques topographiques fournit par le drone a […]
Les drones au service de l’agriculture au Togo
L’agriculture au Togo occupe 86% des ménages ruraux et contribue à 40% à la production de la richesse nationale. C’est près de 4 millions d’agriculteurs sur les 7 millions d’habitant. Cependant face aux nombreuses difficultés auxquelles elle fait face les drones apparaissent de plus en plus comme une solution incontournable […]
Exploring the adoption of drones in agriculture in Benin: perceptions and willingness of small producers to pay for drone services
A project in Benin has been carried out with small-scale paddy rice farmers to determine their acceptability of, and willingness to pay for, drone-based advisory services aimed at enhancing productivity. Implemented by Global Partners and funded by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU, the project revealed the […]
Drone regulations in West Africa: A comparative analysis
Harmonising drone regulations in Africa will ease the movement of drone operators across countries facilitating the contribution of the drone industry to the economic and social development of the continent as envisioned by the African Union. Using the case of Benin and Senegal, the present study shows this harmonisation is […]
L’utilisation des drones permet aux petits producteurs d’augmenter la rentabilité du riz irrigué au Burkina Faso
Au Burkina Faso, un projet de recherche conduit en 2019 par l’Institut de l’Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA) en partenariat avec Espace Géomatique SARL, un cabinet spécialisé dans la géomatique et l’utilisation des drones agricoles, a démontré que l’utilisation des drones représente effectivement pour des petits agriculteurs un système […]
Beyond the Plan: Tapping the Potential of Drones for Urban Development
As urban areas continue to expand, with larger sizes and occupation densities, there is a need for local governments to ensure an orderly development process and manage the physical space and the environment. This entails the preparation and implementation of different types of development plans. While these are necessary to […]
Drones assessing crops in Zambia and Malawi to serve an insurance company
During the first half of 2019, iDrone Services Ltd. was part of a pilot initiative aimed at improving the provision of agricultural insurance for maize farmers in Zambia and Malawi. We supplied drone imagery data that helped estimate crop growth, and an agricultural insurance company used this information to compensate […]
The use of drones for precision agriculture: a means to boost youth’s interest in agropastoral entrepreneurship in Cameroon
In Cameroon, the Agricultural Institute of Obala has introduced a module within its agricultural courses on the use of drones to improve farm productivity. The module teaches students about the potential of the technology to increase agricultural efficiency and reduce farm labour, with the aim of improving the image of […]
April 2016: ICT Update 82 on “Drones for Agriculture” was published | A ground-breaking legacy
“Drone technology could help farmers around the world monitor their crops, fend off pests, improve land tenure, and more. But to realise its full potential, regulatory regimes are necessary, while keeping citizens’ safetyand privacy rights secure“, this is how the editorial of ICT Update, a bimonthly magazine published by CTA, […]