Blog Posts

AfGoesDigital presence at EXCO 2019 in Rome, Italy

Next week (15-17 May 2019) we will be in Rome attending and exposing at the the EXCO 2019 in Rome, Italy. Our booths will be at the CTA Village (C12, Pavilion 7, Fiera di Roma). Thanks to CTA for supporting our participation. Visit the EXCO 2019 (free entrance) and meet […]

UAV Mapping for Informal Settlement’s Planning

Spatial information is an essential component for the planning of informal settlements. An accurate base map is required to provide a model of the current situation to aid in designing proposed improvement plans for the settlements. There are various sources of spatial information that can be used to generate base […]

Portuguese version of continental policy recommendation launched

Members of Africa Goes Digital and CTA supported NEPAD and the African Union in producing the Portuguese version of the key reference document “Drones on The Horizon: Transforming Africa’s Agriculture”. This report published in English and French in June 2018, provides a contextualised review of drones as a vital precision […]

Showcase of disruptive technologies for agriculture

Site visit and demonstrations in Ghana On 15 April 2019, ahead of the official launch of the Alliance for Green Revolution Forum 2019 (AGRF 2019), a range of applications of drone technology for agriculture have been showcased by members of Africa Goes Digital at Bomarts Farms Ltd, in Dobro, Nsawam, […]

Landmark Pan-African Policy Recommendation Singles out Drones as a Transformative Technology for Africa

On June 8, 2018, a full report on the technology entitled “Drones on the horizon: Transforming Africa’s Agriculture” has been launched by Prof Yaye Kène-Gassama Dia, from the University Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar, on behalf of the High-Level Panel on Emerging Technologies (APET) and NEPAD during the Africa Innovation Summit […]